Sector Info
Parhelion believes that climate change is one of the most significant potential challenges faced by humanity. We also believe that market based solutions are one of most effective policy responses to mitigating this risk. Furthermore we also believe that the insurance industry can be a significant contributor to the solution. Nonetheless climate change and carbon markets are complex subjects. The details are not always intuitive and sometimes controversial. In this section we are pleased to provide a range of information either developed by Parhelion or links to high quality external independent experts to help clarify these areas.
Carbon markets – For a comprehensive review of the current state and trends of the carbon markets we recommend the ‘World Bank State and Trends of Carbon Pricing publication.
European Union Emissions Trading Scheme – This was the first legislatively backed regional international carbon trading scheme. Information on this, including maps, real time data, trends and policies is readily available.
California Cap and Trade: AB32 – From January 1, 2012, California started its cap-and-trade program with enforceable compliance obligation beginning with 2013 GHG emissions. The California Air Resource Board (ARB) designed and administers the cap-and-trade program as one of its key strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 and ultimately by 80% of 1990 levels by 2050.
Finance Guide For Policy Makers: Renewable Energy and Green Infrastructure – This document produced by Kirsty Hamilton, provides a comprehensive guide to financing renewable energy and green infrastructure, especially designed for policy makers.
Climate Change Guide – This section explains some of the more complex facts about climate change and also dispel some of the myths.
Climate Change Science – This section of the website goes into in-depth information about the actual science behind climate change.
We have experience in the following sectors
- Geothermal
- Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal wind
- Carbon markets
- Energy efficiency
- Climate adaptation
- Biomass and waste to energy
- Forestry and land use
- Hydro, reservoir and run-of-river
- Bio-ethanol
- Coal mines and landfill gas
Coverage types
- Operational All Risks of Physical Damage and Business Interruption (including all natural perils)
- Construction All Risks and Advance Loss of Profit
- Marine Cargo, including Project Cargo
- Third Party Liability
- Control of Well